Winter 2025 Sale Live Bidding.

Sale 3 Friday      January 3  @  1 pm EST / 10 am PST    Lots 3001-3165  Stampless Postal History                                            
Sale 4 Saturday January 4 @ 12 pm EST /  9 am PST    Lots 4001-4160  Carriers, Independent Mails and Expresses           
Sale 5 Saturday January 4 @  3 pm EST / 12 pm PST    Lots 5001-5229 US Stamps and Postal History including Civil War
Sale 6 Sunday    January 5 @   1 pm EST / 10 am PST    Lots 6001-6280  Locals         

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Found 25 Results
Unofficial Registered Mail

Lot #: 3080

The Oldest Known Receipt for a Valuable Letter

Preceding Official Registered Mail

Noted by Cal Hahn as earliest reported receipt for a valuable letter is this one which reads:

"Marshall Post Office Dec. 1, 1840
I do hereby Certify that Messrs. Gorham & Brown have this day deposited in this Office to Mail a letter addressed Higginson & Clapp of New York Containing Two hundred dollars in bills of different banks. Chas. D Smith P.M."

This note signed by the postmaster attested to the fact a patron deposited into the mails a letter containing two hundred dollars, several years before Registered Mail was adopted.

In the Postmaster General's Report of November 17, 1828, Mclean wrote that "It may be advantageous to the public and the department at some future time, for it to become the insurer of moneys transmitted in the mail, being authorized to charge a higher rate of postage in such cases to indemnify for the risk incurred. To guard against frauds, this responsibility must necessarily be limited to packets mailed at principal offices, under such regulations as shall afford the greatest possible security"

Opening: $1,200
Estimate: $2,000 - $2,500
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail

Ex Cal Hahn, C.J. Alexander

Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail

Lot #: 3081

Unofficial Registered Mail, Manuscript "R", On 1848 Cover

Very Rare Reading, PA Usage

Red Reading, PA Sep 5 cds and red "5" on 1848 cover to Pittsburg with manuscript "R" of the Reading "recorded" plan.

In the mid-1800s, concerns over the loss of valuable mail prompted the Post Office Department to introduce an official registration system on July 1, 1855, for a fee of five cents.

However, in the decade prior, an unofficial system for registering valuable letters was adopted at the Philadelphia post office from 1845 - 1854. The unofficial registration system spread from Philadelphia to other post offices throughout the country. Postmasters played a key role in this process, marking valuable letters with an "R" handstamp and recording their details. Although no fee was charged, these letters were tracked and handled with greater care.

This cover is an example of a manuscript "R" notation.

Opening: $300
Estimate: $500 - $750
Sold for: $125
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn

Lot #: 3086

Unofficial Registered Mail, Small Blue"R", On 1849-1850 Cover

Blue Jan 13 Harrisburg, Pa cds and "PAID 5" of 1845-51 period and dark blue small "R" (Type 2), with manusciript "X" for notation. Small pen "7" for number of recording. On cover.

Opening: $180
Estimate: $300 - $500
Sold for: $180
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn

Lot #: 3087

Postmaster "FREE" Frank, Huntingdon Co, PA

1861 Return Registered Letter Receipt Form Enclosed

Wellersburgh, PA cds on cover with manuscript "P.M." and straightline "FREE" handstamp. Return Registered Letter Bill recepit form filled out and enclosed to document the safe receipt of letter.

Opening: $240
Estimate: $400 - $500
Sold for: $150
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn

Lot #: 3088

Unofficial Registered Mail, Red "REGISTERED" Straightline, On 1852 New Orleans Cover

Red New Orleans Sep 24 cds to Mobile, Alabama on folded cover with red straightline "REGISTERED" and "20"
handstamp. Manuscript "8" and "Received Sept 25, 1852"

Postmaster Michel Musson established a register of valuable mail, numbered each item when it was entered and provided the addressee a printed notice requiring their signature in order to take delivery of a valuable letter.

Opening: $180
Estimate: $300 - $500
Sold for: $320
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn

Lot #: 3094

Unofficial Registered Mail, Type 3 Large Blue "R", On 1851 Cover

Perfect New-York 5cts Strike

Black Jul 11 New-York 5 Cts. cds of 1851 (known perfect for 5 weeks only) and large, light blue Philadelphia "R" (Type 3)on letter to Philadelphia.

Opening: $240
Estimate: $400 - $500
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn

Lot #: 3095

Unofficial Registered Mail, Small Blue "R" and black "20" handstamp, on 1849-50 Cover

Rare Rate

Red Boston Sep 21, Mass cds with matching straightline "paid" and manuscript "20" in pencil. It is also marked with a black "20" similar to the one on cross-border mail. It has a small blue Philadelphia "R" and a manuscript "45", likely the recording number.

Opening: $240
Estimate: $400 - $500
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn

Lot #: 3096

Unofficial Registered Mail, Small Blue "R" and Red "20" handstamp, on 1850 Folded Cover

Rare Rate 3 Dimensional Scroll Red 20

Red Boston Sep 21, Mass cds with matching straightline "paid" and manuscript "20" in pencil. It is also marked with a red "20."

Opening: $240
Estimate: $400 - $500
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn

Lot #: 3101

Unofficial Registered Mail, Manuscript "R" On 1851 Cover

Very Fine "R" use from Lancaster prior to official registration

Lancaster Pa. Jul. 13 (1851) red circular datestamp struck partly off cover at top, matching "5" rate handstamp and manuscript "R" for registered, manuscript "7" control no. at left, small piece of backflap missing.

Opening: $240
Estimate: $400 - $500
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn

Lot #: 3103

Unofficial Registered Mail, Type 5 Large Red "R" and Straightline "PAID"

Manuscript "Paid & Registered"

Blue Dec 17 Cincinnati cds on cover to Illinois. Large red Cinncinati "R" and straightline "PAID" with manuscript "Paid, & Registered"

Opening: $180
Estimate: $300 - $500
Category: Unofficial Registered Mail, Unofficial Registered Mail
Provenance: Ex Cal Hahn, Frajola